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2022 Plant Sale Updates

Updated: May 6, 2022

Last Updated: 3/2/2022

Plant Sale Committee Chair: Cheryl Brady Plant Sale Committee Members: Mary Parenteau, Linda MInter, Joe Baltrukonis, Jennifer Porwit, Kris Ranieri, Mindy Johnson, Tiffa Foster, Brianna Gohde, Nanette Boudreau, Stacy Sola, Kay Wimer, Judie Ginter

About the RCMG Plant Sale

The Plant Sale Committee operates during the first six months of the year and is responsible for the organization of the Ramsey County Master Gardener Program annual plant sale. Responsibilities of the Plant Sale Committee include plant selection, pricing, publicity, and organizing volunteer activities before, during, and after the sale date, like growing plants, collecting, sorting and labeling donated plants, organizing plants and tables at the sales location, assisting customers, and cleaning-up once the sale ends.

Typically raising over $10,000, the annual plant sale is the primary fundraising activity for the Ramsey County Master Gardener Program. Sales are used to fund scholarships, community activities, and program infrastructure and resources.

April 29 2022 Update

Plant Sale Location

  • A small group visited Holy Childhood recently. We confirmed the areas that we will be able to use and the number of tables that will be available. There will be one entrance available for our customers to enter the main hall. The check-out area will be located in the long hallway in the classroom wing of the building, which will lead to the exit.

  • We have a general plan for the layout and signage in the main hall and stage area for plants, 40 hanging baskets, etc. Non-plant items will be displayed in the area where customers will wait to enter the check-out area. Kay will try to find a mentor group to take responsibility for assembling signs for the tables.

  • There will be check-out space for 10 cashiers (4 – credit card payments only; 6 – cash/check payments only) and 10 tally volunteers for the first shift. A greeter will be stationed at the entrance to the hallway to direct customers to available cashiers in order to save time.

  • Darren suggested setting up an “Ask a Master Gardener” table at the Plant Sale. The committee agreed that is a good idea and we decided it should be located outside near the exit door.

  • We will have four carts available so volunteers can help customers with large orders.


  • We are working on a plan for ~50 cars to park in the parking lot. This will require many volunteers and good signage so our customers are not confused about available space, where to go, etc.

  • Kay suggested parking volunteers at the top of the hill near the entrance to the parking lot should have a sign that says "Parking Lot Full” on one side and “Proceed Slowly” on the other.

  • Nanette suggested saving 3-4 parking spaces on Pascal near the entrance to the parking lot for customers with large orders to drive up to get their plants.

  • In addition, Darren contacted the City of St Paul and submitted an application to use 660 feet of permit parking on Pascal Street (from Midway Parkway to Frankson Avenue) and on the Midway Parking frontage road (from Pascal Street to Bison Avenue on the south side of the church).

Hoop House

  • Cees Duijndam postponed setting up the hoop house at the Barn due to weather. A number of people volunteered to help with the set-up, which is tentatively scheduled for Monday, May 2.

  • There was a discussion about opening/closing the hoop house each day between May 12-18 and monitoring the plants. Kay will try to find a mentor group to take responsibility.

Plant Inventory/Sources

  • Mary and Cheryl will pick up 600+ natives from Minnesota Native Landscape in Otsego on Wednesday, May 11. The plants will be repotted that afternoon and placed in the hoop house until they are transported to Holy Childhood on Wednesday, May 18.

  • Linda and Mary are working on prices of the plants that will be included in the sale. Prices will be designated by colored tape on each pot. Linda is creating a color-coded tally sheet that the tally volunteers can complete for customers to give to the cashiers.

  • Plant deliveries are scheduled as follows during set-up week:

  • Tuesday, May 17 – Green Earth Growers (member pre-sale and plants for the sale); RCMG volunteers who started plants.

  • Wednesday, May 18 – Natives will be transported from the hoop house; Ed Shinbach will deliver donations from Ramsey County Corrections; RCMG volunteers who started plants.

  • Thursday, May 19 – K2 Flowers and Edibles order will be picked up and delivered to Holy Childhood; tomatoes will be picked up from Joe and Jennifer’s home and delivered to Holy Childhood (SUG will be created to get volunteers to help with this); RCMG volunteers who started plants.


  • The postcards are ready and Stacy showed the committee a sample. They look great! Stacy will get stamps and request reimbursement.

  • Nanette gave an update on advertising, including Northern Gardener, Nextdoor, Facebook and Instagram.

  • RCMG members are encouraged to print the Plant Sale flyer (ABOVE) and post it at their neighborhood coffee shops, stores, libraries, community centers, etc.

  • Stacy said Mindy wrote a nice article about garden journaling, which is a great highlight for the journals that will be sold at the sale. The article is available on the RCMG website.

April 1 2022 Update

March 2022 Update

February 2022 Update

January 2022 Update

November 2021 Update

Ramsey County Master Gardener Volunteer Program


2020 White Bear Ave. Maplewood MN 55109

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