Summary for the April RCMG Board of Directors Meeting
The RCMG Board Meeting was held on April 11, 2023 via Zoom. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for May 9, 2023 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. on Zoom. These meetings are open to all volunteers.
Special Updates
Glove Sales (Susan Oven)
Susan explained that the sale of garden gloves began in 2015 as a fundraiser for partial scholarships for interns needing support for the expense of the Core Course. Since that time, almost $4000 has been contributed to the financial aid fund. There was concern that the proceeds from these sales should be specifically earmarked for interns enrolled in the Core Course. A financial committee yet to be convened will be asked to study this and advise the Board. The price for the gloves will go up to $6.00 per pair at this year’s Plant Sale, but the gloves will be sold at the April membership meeting for the current price of $5.00 per pair.
U of M Entomology Scholarship (Ann Aurelius)
Ann gave the Board a history of this scholarship which was funded as recently as 2017-2020 but not in the years since although it was budgeted in 2021-2022. She asked the Board to resume funding this important scholarship, and Sandy, on behalf of the Board, announced that the Board would table this item until July when the Board had a clearer sense of available funds after the Plant Sale proceeds were in hand.
Barn Gardens Update (Jeanne Buck & Darren Lochner)
Regrettably, several of the new raised beds north of the parking lot outside the Barn suffered significant damage due to the manner of snow removal by the county’s plowing contractor. Darren and Jeanne are working with the county to address the costs of the damage. Aggravating this is the county’s intent to excavate this same area in the next month to install new water lines. Jeanne reported that an assessment of the actual damage will be done very soon and emphasized that because of the excavation work, all of the beds and their soil will need to be temporarily relocated. Darren and Jeanne are in communication with the county to address these challenges. In the very near future, the Barn Gardens Committee will be developing a plan and many Master Gardeners will be needed to assist.
Committee Updates
Education Committee Update
Jane Carlstrom reported that speakers and activities are scheduled for every month this year except November. There will be no May meeting because of the Plant Sale and the June meeting will take place on the second Tuesday of the month—June 13th—because of the national Master Gardener conference taking place during the third week of June this year. The committee will soon begin planning Garden Gate tours for this season.
Web Page Meeting Updates
Jane requested a number of corrections and updates regarding the yearly schedule of monthly MG meetings; these will be addressed by the Web Team on the Communications Committee.
New Member Committee Update
The Project Fair on March 28th was deemed a great success and notes have been compiled for next year’s event. Interns are making progress in the Core Course with an average completion rate of 9.9 modules although many have not yet submitted their photos and bios.
Communications Committee Update
The Communication Committee continues to reach new people and gain followers on the RCMG social media accounts. They are currently busy developing materials for the Plant Sale, the Barn Gardens, and various MG projects.
Leadership Updates
Secretary Update
The March 2023 Board Meeting Minutes were approved with one correction.
Treasurer Update
Kathy Passe presented the March Transaction Report and Bank Statement. Her report was approved.
Program Coordinator Update
Darren reminded the Board that the April 27th Core Course Zoom Q & A will be hosted in person for interns and their mentors at the Roseville Oval, but everyone is welcome.
Board Chair and Vice Chair Updates
Old Business
It was clarified that individual RCMG Board members do not need their own liability insurance. Sandy will talk to previous Board Chairs to determine why this language was inserted in the RCMG Articles of Incorporation in the first place.
The current version of the “Policies and Procedures” document from the RCMG website will be taken down temporarily, noting that a revision is in progress and that much of the information can be found elsewhere on the site.
New Business
The new meeting agenda format being used at this meeting will be used again in May before the Board discusses its ongoing use.
A Board retreat will be held in July, tentatively planned for July 11th.
2023 Board Leadership: Sandy McDonald (Chair), Julie Bechtold (Vice-Chair), Gretchen Hesli (Secretary), Kathy Passe, (Treasurer), Jane Carlstrom (Education Chair), Simba Blood (Education Co-Chair), Judi Ginter (Membership Chair), Karen Randall (Membership Co-Chair), Stacy Sola (Communication Chair), Nanette Boudreau (Communication Co-Chair), Darren Lochner (Program Coordinator).