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New Project Proposals

Volunteers are welcome to submit a proposal for a New Volunteer Project. New projects can be personal or for the community. They can be solo efforts for just you or group efforts involving many Master Gardener volunteers. They can start right away (pending approval) or they can start later in the future in cases where the project requires set-up or infrastructure before any volunteering work can be done. 


Volunteers are also welcome to sign up for an approved At-Home Project from the State Leadership Team. These involve (1) Growing plants for distribution to those in need, (2) Growing a giving garden at home, or (3) Growing a walk-by pollinator-friendly garden at home. 


If you have questions about any of these projects, please contact the program coordinator.  



​New Project Requirements



Independent-study (solo) projects

Independent-study (or solo) projects that are located at your home or in your neighborhood. These projects are primarily done by the volunteer proposing the project. This might be installing a boulevard planting, establishing/maintaining a pollinator garden at a church, giving garden advice to neighbors or members in another community group like a neighborhood association, a seed collection effort, or something similar. Projects can last for a single growing season or, with approval, continue for multiple years.

The Master Gardener State Leadership Team has approved three (3) low-contact, work-from-home volunteer opportunities for use during the 2021 & 2022 growing seasons. Read more about these At-Home Projects.


If you would like to volunteer on one of these At-Home Projects, please submit a project proposal. The project proposal forms for these projects can be found on the Extension Master Gardener Volunteer website homepage. (You can sign the form, take a picture, and send the picture to the coordinator.)



Community projects

Community projects are in collaboration with a local organization that needs assistance or expertise from Master Gardener volunteers. This might involve only the volunteer proposing the project or may require the assistance of many Master Gardener volunteers. This might include helping to support an existing community garden or schoolyard garden, starting a new planting or removing invasive species with a community center or non-profit organization. If you are working with a community partner or organization they need to approve the project prior to the completion of this form.

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