Updated 1/14/23
Summary for the January RCMG Board of Directors Meeting
The January Board Meeting was held on January 10, 2023 via Zoom. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2023 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. on Zoom. These meetings are open to all volunteers.
Special Updates
Funding for Youth Programs (Ed Shinbach)
Darren updated the board on a request from Ed regarding training for the Junior Master Gardener program. A national online training conference is happening in February at a cost of $65 per person. Ed would like to make funding available for up to five RCMG volunteers to attend.
This request was approved as part of the 2023 budget.
Committee Updates
Education Committee Update
Jane Carlstrom, Simba Blood, and the group discussed whether returning to a “social half-hour” (with snacks) prior to the monthly meetings would be an enticement to attend in person and an opportunity to interact with other members. Brianna plans to poll the membership on this question. Currently training sessions have been offered prior to the meetings, which could instead be recorded and made available for members to watch on their own schedules. Another idea being discussed is to set up a series of “stations” throughout the meeting room with “experts” in various areas who would be available to share their knowledge with others. A reminder that meetings will be “online-only” until March.
New Member Committee Update
Judie Ginter and Karen Randall reported that we have 70 interns joining us in 2023. 57 mentors will lead them throughout the year. Each intern will have a mentor (some mentors taking on more than one intern). The class is divided into eight teams. An orientation for mentors was held on January 9th. Of the 2022 class, 46 interns have completed their requirements and have achieved the status of full-fledged Master Gardeners. Congratulations!
Communications Committee Update
Stacy Sola and her committee continue to churn out hours and hours of work for our organization! The website requires ongoing updates and new content is regularly posted to our social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram). They are planning advertisements for the Plant Sale and will soon record a new narration for the Barn Garden video. And lots more…much of which only our youngest “techie” members will understand!
Plant Sale Committee Update
The Plant Sale Committee with over 30 volunteers right now is hard at it, gearing up for our May 20th event, which will once again be held at Holy Childhood Church in St. Paul. Many more native plants will be ordered, as they sold out within the first several hours of the sale, as well as more hostas. A reminder that the RCMG member presale is live through the 27th.
Leadership Updates
Secretary Update
Gretchen Hesli presented the November 2022 Board Meeting Minutes which were approved.
Treasurer Update
Kathy Passe presented the November & December Monthly Transaction Report, as well as a corrected May 2022 report, all of which were approved. She also provided a detailed 2023 budget which included input from project coordinators and historical data from past years’ income and expenses. The 2023 budget was approved.
Program Coordinator Update
Darren shared a link to the State’s 2022 report on Master Gardener projects in various counties. The RCMG Muriel Sahlin Healing Garden project was highlighted in the article.
He’s exploring options and ideas for an Awards Event, which may be moved to the warmer summer months. Not to worry, graduating interns! We will get your badges to you before then!
Board Chair and Vice Chair Updates
Julie Bechtold, Board Vice-Chair, conducted the meeting in the absence of Chair Sandy McDonald. She is working with Karen Randall, Sandy McDonald and (RCMG volunteer) Alex Meyer on the revision of the RCMG bylaws, which have not been updated for many years.
2023 Board Leadership: Sandy McDonald (Chair), Julie Bechtold (Vice-Chair), Gretchen Hesli (Secretary), Kathy Passe, (Treasurer), Jane Carlstrom (Education Chair), Simba Blood (Education Co-Chair), Judi Ginter (Membership Chair), Karen Randall (Membership Co-Chair), Stacy Sola (Communication Chair), Nanette Boudreau (Communication Co-Chair), Darren Lochner (Program Coordinator).