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Board Blurb: May 2023

Updated: May 13, 2023


Summary for the April RCMG Board of Directors Meeting

The RCMG Board Meeting was held on May 9, 2023 via Zoom. The next Board Meeting has not been scheduled, as the RCMG member meeting will be held on June 13th, the regular date for the Board meeting. Board meetings are open to all volunteers.

Committee Updates

Education Committee Update

A reminder that there are no meetings at the Roseville Skating Center for the next four months, so don’t show up there! This month we focus on the Plant Sale, in June we’ll meet at the Barn, in July we’ll be treated to a look at some of the new plantings at Highland Bridge in St. Paul, and in August Washington County will host us. Sign-Up Geniuses will be sent as reminders for all these events. If you intend to come, please enter your name for planning purposes.

Please consider hosting your garden for the upcoming Garden Gate Tours. In particular we need May/June dates.

New Member Committee Update

Interns are continuing to progress through the Core Course. Following the Plant Sale an email will be sent to all interns updating them on their progress with both the Core Course and volunteering.

As a result of the Job Fair, four volunteers are planning to join the Education Committee and the Communication Committee recruited three new members.

Communications Committee Update

The Communication Committee is reworking signage for the Plant Sale and updating the Barn Garden video to include the new layout and raised beds. All their other ongoing projects continue as well. They are excited to welcome three new members!.

Leadership Updates

Secretary Update

The April 2023 Board Meeting Minutes were approved as written.

Treasurer Update

Kathy Passe presented the April Transaction Report and Bank Statement. Her report was approved. Kathy also noted that the value of our Fidelity account is inching upwards.

Program Coordinator Update

Darren and Jeanne Buck met with Ramsey County to discuss the damage to our raised beds at the Barn. The county has agreed to pay for the three damaged enclosures and also to store the remaining ones during the excavation. We are hopeful we’ll be able to get back on site soon to resume our gardening activities!

Board Chair and Vice Chair Updates

Old Business

Discussion centered around whether we should establish a separate account designated solely to financial aid for interns taking the Core Course. Glove sale proceeds are to be used for this purpose only. Darren mentioned a University account available to RCMG, should we want to move funds there. We will continue to track proceeds within our checking account until a decision is made.

The Board will hold a retreat on July 11th (site TBD) to review and hopefully accept the revised Bylaws. In addition the Policies and Procedures document will be studied.

New Business

Three of the four “Square” devices we use for credit card payments at the Plant Sale have gone A.W.O.L.! The Board voted to replace them with four new devices, which allow for “chip and contactless payments” and don’t require a phone with a jack. This is important because most new phone models are lacking a jack and this requirement limited the number of volunteers who could serve as cashiers at the plant sale.


2023 Board Leadership: Sandy McDonald (Chair), Julie Bechtold (Vice-Chair), Gretchen Hesli (Secretary), Kathy Passe, (Treasurer), Jane Carlstrom (Education Chair), Simba Blood (Education Co-Chair), Judi Ginter (Membership Chair), Karen Randall (Membership Co-Chair), Stacy Sola (Communication Chair), Nanette Boudreau (Communication Co-Chair), Darren Lochner (Program Coordinator).

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