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Board Blurb: October 2022


Summary for the October RCMG Board of Directors Meeting

The October Board Meeting was held on October 11, 2022 via Zoom. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for November 29, 2022 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Barn and on Zoom. This will be the Board transition meeting. These meetings are open to all volunteers.

Committee Updates

Education Committee Update

Sue Ellen Campbell asked for input regarding our upcoming 2023 meetings. It was decided that January and February will be remote only (Zoom), and March and April will be hybrid. There is no May meeting as we are “knee deep” in the plant sale. August is a joint meeting with Washington County, with them hosting next year.

Jane Carlstrom announced that Simba Blood has agreed to join her as Co-Chair of the Education Committee in 2023. Our speaker at next week’s member meeting is Keith Piotrowski from the U of M, who will speak on “Soil Testing and Research.”

There was discussion about incentivizing members to attend meetings in person when possible. If the meeting consists of a lecture only, it is easy to stay home and watch on Zoom. However we are missing the interaction with other MGs and the networking opportunities that in-person meetings provide. Possibly a “hands-on” activity would offer a reason to drive to the meeting site. The committee is working on this.

New Member Committee Update

Judie Ginter reported that there are 79 applicants for internship in our program. A SUG has been sent requesting volunteers to interview the applicants on October 24th and 25th, and November 25th. Shortly another SUG will be sent asking for mentor volunteers and whether they’d be willing to serve for two years with their intern.

Darren described a Pilot Program which will be tested in 2023 allowing interns to complete their internship over two years. The Core Course would be the focus of year one, with volunteering the focus of the second year. The intent is to assist those whose circumstances might make it difficult to complete the program in one year, such as individuals with young families or challenges that diverse populations may face.

Karen Randall, Judie’s co-chair for 2023, reported on feedback she’s received from both interns and mentors and/or team leaders. She will compile a list of positives and negatives and share at the next meeting.

Communications Committee Update

We continue to attract new followers to both our Facebook and Instagram sites.

Posts are being prepared for both Amazon Prime Day and Give to the Max. Upon the recommendation of the committee, funds raised will be designated toward programs involving youth.

Stacy Sola reported that their committee is collecting data on time requirements for the many projects they handle in order to better allocate their resources. They are stretched rather thin!

Leadership Updates

Secretary Update

Laurel Watt, Interim Secretary, presented the September 2022 Board Meeting Minutes which were approved.

Treasurer Update

Kathy Passe, Interim Treasurer, presented the September Monthly Transaction Report and September Bank Statement, which were approved. She also provided the September 30th Fidelity statement and a historical summary of the Fidelity account. As the Fidelity account has lost significant value during the stock market decline, Darren recommended that we postpone the Grant Program for a year. The program will rely on earnings from this account, which currently are negative!

Program Coordinator Update

Darren is collecting ideas for the 2023 Awards Ceremony to determine where and when to hold it. He proposed a “Partner (or Friend) of the Year” award for a community partner with whom we’ve worked. The Board supported this idea as a way to spread the word about the many activities in which RCMG is involved in Ramsey County.

Volunteer hours continue to pour in. Reminders, which were sent in June and September (one more is coming in November), seem to be effective in nudging volunteers to enter their hours on the State website. Try not to wait until the end of the year to enter your hours!

Board Chair and Vice Chair Updates

We are recruiting a Vice-Chair candidate for 2023. Gretchen Hesli and Kathy Passe have expressed interest in continuing in their roles as Secretary and Treasurer, respectively, for another two-year term each. At the November meeting, these three candidates will be presented and voted on by the membership. In addition there will be an opportunity for nominations from the floor.


2022 Board Leadership: Nate Galloway (Chair), Sandy McDonald (Vice Chair), Gretchen Hesli (Secretary), Laurel Watt (Interim Secretary), Amy Davis (Treasurer), Kathy Passe, (Interim Treasurer), Jane Carlstrom (Education Co-Chair), Sue Ellen Campbell (Education Co-Chair), Judi Ginter (Membership Co-Chair), Kay Wimer (Membership Co-Chair), Nanette Boudreau (Communication Chair), Stacy Sola (Communication Co-Chair), Darren Lochner (Program Coordinator).


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