Words from the coordinators in Hennepin County's Master Gardener Volunteer Program resonate in Ramsey

As an Extension Program Coordinator, I work closely with other Extension staff who support the Master Gardener programs all over Minnesota. It is a great way to share advice and best practices in a way that helps all local groups improve in how they serve both their volunteers and their counties.
In recent years, we've all heard concerns from long-time volunteers about some of our newest volunteers. The Master Gardener Volunteer Program continues to grow and evolve; those changes can be challending and frustrating. Recently, Terry Straub, the Extension Educator and coordinator of the Master Gardener group in Hennepin County shared his experience and response to comments from the volunteers there. It is such a great message that I wanted to share it with everyone in Ramsey County as well.
Terry Straub's Message
Rachel (assistant program coordinator in Hennepin County) and I have heard comments like:
I was working with Volunteer X at the Z Farmers Market info booth and they know NOTHING about gardening, AND
Volunteer D and I were at a community garden and they knew nothing about vegetables, AND
There are so many Master Gardener volunteers these days but no one's a Master!
We've said it before and we'll say it again, Extension is for Everyone!
Here are some things to consider when you find yourself volunteering with another person who has less or different experience from you.
Information booths and community gardens may not be the best volunteer opportunity for some but sometimes people are there because their mentor suggested it or they need the hours or they just want to help. Maybe they panicked or just haven't gotten to vegetable growing in the core course. Maybe they were having a bad day. And maybe there's a different way to address the situation, like asking the individual if they had questions. Or saying "the answer you gave is new to me; in core course I learned X -- where did you get your information?" We can all be mentors in these situations, so feel free to step-up.
Everyone can give back through the Master Gardener Volunteer Program and in their own way. It may take awhile for someone to find the way that's going work best for them. Instead of focusing on what's wrong with the situation, look for what's right and point someone in that direction.
Even volunteers who've been with the program for 10+ years will say, "I don't feel like a master." And frankly, nor should any of us. We may know more than others or not but hopefully we know where to get the information and can point people in the right direction, even if we haven't quite gotten there ourselves.

Darren Lochner
RCMG Program Coordinator
HCMG volunteer