This meeting is THE go-to place to discover what is happening behind the scenes and what future RCMG events are in the seedling stage. – Joe Baltrukonis
June 09, 2021 RCMG Board of Directors Meeting The June Board Meeting was held on Tuesday (6/8/2021) via Zoom. The next Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 from 6-8pm. These meetings are open to all volunteers.
RC Master Gardener volunteers and married couple, Joe Baltrukonis and Jennifer Porwit attended the June meeting. In Joe’s words, “It was an exciting moment in my life as a Master Gardener, surpassed only by our unending search for the perfect tomato! This meeting is THE go-to place to discover what is happening behind the scenes and what future RCMG events are in the seedling stage.”
Plant Sale
We were blessed with a “Top-10 Weather Day” for our Plant Sale. While this online project posed a number of challenges it provided an excellent opportunity for interns to accrue volunteer hours. And it was such fun to actually SEE each other in person at last! A report on the fundraiser will be available soon.
Education Committee
Garden Gate Tours will return this summer! The committee will recruit members willing to show off their personal yards and gardens to their fellow MGs. (This will not be open to the public.) There will be scheduled times and a limit on attendance. An educational component to each tour will be part of the project. Stay tuned!
Communications Committee
The Communication Committee is continuing their work on the new website, verifying links and checking spelling, grammar, and content. If you haven’t signed up and logged on, now it the time to access this valuable resource! The next big projects include learning to create videos and gathering photos for volunteer, marketing, and social media use.
Program Coordinator Update
Darren updated the Board on the State’s latest regulations regarding COVID. The good news is that as of July 1st there is no longer a need to receive an exemption for any of our volunteer projects! That said, COVID is still with us and we need to be mindful of individual situations. We have no plan to immediately “flip the switch” and return to the way things were. We will proceed slowly, and likely incorporate a hybrid method of meeting and interacting as we move forward.
RCMG Board 2022
Time to think about 2022 and the positions that will be open on the Board! Board Chair, Susan Mitchell, Vice-Chair, Nate Galloway and Program Coordinator Darren met to talk about the Board Chair in 2022, which Nate will transition into next year, to get an idea about the program direction next year.
We need members to fill the positions of Vice-Chair and Co-Chairs of both the Education Committee and New Member Committee. Consider stepping up for these opportunities to be involved with the “inner-workings” of our great organization!
Other Items of Note
Communications Chair Report: See above.
Education Chair Report: See above.
Membership Chair Report: Our New Member Co-Chairs are continuing to work with interns and their mentor teams, most of whom have completed the Core Course and are working on their volunteer hours. .
Treasurer Report: Reviewed and approved the monthly transaction report.
Secretary Report: Reviewed and approved minutes from the April Board meeting.
Board Vice-Chair Report:
Board Chair Report: Several Strategic Task Force committees are continuing to meet. The results will be reported to the Board in July. Many valuable ideas have been generated..
Program Coordinator Report: See above.
2021 Board Leadership: Susan Mitchell (Chair), Nate Galloway (Vice Chair), Gretchen Hesli (Secretary), Amy Davis (Treasurer), Nilgun Tuna (Education Co-Chair), Sue Ellen Campbell (Education Co-Chair), Christine Strong (Membership Co-Chair), Kay Wimer (Membership Co-Chair), Nanette Boudreau (Communication Chair), Darren Lochner (Program Coordinator)