Spring is around the corner! I know many of you have begun starting your seeds indoors and are planning for the growing season ahead. I have been inspired as I talk with RCMG interns and volunteers about projects and upcoming volunteer activities. Thank you for sharing all of your great ideas! Remember, if you want to explore a new project this year, fill in the New Project Proposal form. One project that we will be planning to start during the 2021 growing season is Gardens for Good. This project encourages Master Gardener volunteers to donate extra produce from home gardens to Neighbors-in-Need throughout the county. We are planning to work with organizations (like food shelves) and agencies in Ramsey County to make this happen. Stay tuned for details on how to volunteer and donate your produce. In addition to Gardens for Good, you are also welcome to get involved individually through the state-approved Master Gardener volunteer activity Growing a Giving Garden. Both of these activities are great opportunities to use our skills and knowledge as Master Gardener volunteers and help out those in need in Ramsey County and beyond. Thank you for all that you do!
One last reminder: the limitations for in-person volunteer activities due to COVID-19 will remain through the end of June. We will receive more guidance and updates from the University of Minnesota Extension and State Master Gardener program as we transition into summer. Volunteer exemption requests are required for any in-person activity being considered. Please contact me for more information.