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Educational Interest Survey

During the guest lectures at our monthly meetings, we try to cover topics that are directly related to our work as Master Gardeners. (Find the list of previous monthly meeting guest lecturers on the Monthly Meetings page)

Member Talks

However, there are very knowledgeable gardeners within RCMG, who have great knowledge in their areas of passion. We would LOVE to have these people share their knowledge with us. This doesn't need to be a complicated, deeply-researched presentation; it can be a light-hearted sharing of personal projects or exchange of ideas. Check out Jennifer Porwitt's great talk on starting tomatoes. We want you to share your experience!

We also acknowledge that RCMG has increased its use of technology – the RCMG website, Zoom, Google Docs – in recent years and realize that member might want access to short demonstrations on using these new tools. Again, we're looking to RCMG member to help! Kit Leffler taught a great Introduction to Zoom class in 2020. are you a bit overwhelmed with new tech knowledge? Would you be interested in a low tech class or a video you could access at any time to run you through the basics?


  • A photo album of your garden (or a garden you visited) and stories about what your learned

  • A video tour of your garden

  • A talk about how to grow or care for a specific plant

  • Tips on using Google Drive, Zoom, iNaturalist or other tools

  • A demonstration of how to do something (like sharpening tools or saving seeds)

During member focus groups that happened in 2020 in preparation of the 2021-2023 Strategic Plan, we learned that members have had difficulty getting to know other Master Gardener volunteers. (Especially in the last year!) We feel like these short, member-led presentations would help.

Garden Gate Tours

We also want to restart garden tours. In 2019, we started a series of Garden Gate Tours. In these events, individual RCMG members invited small groups of fellow members to visit their gardens. It was a fantastic way to see how other people are gardening and making the most of their sometimes very different gardening conditions. The tours were enthusiastically received but fell victim to COVID-19 in 2020. We are awaiting word from the State on when we can resume these tours.

Share Your Thoughts

We have created a survey for members to share their thoughts on both of these new educational opportunities – Member Talks and Garden Gate Tours. Please take a few minutes to send us your feedback so we can provide the best educational opportunities this year and into the next.

Take the Survey

Let us know your thoughts!

Nilgun Tuna Education Committee Co-Chair

Sue Ellen Campbell

Education Committee Co-Chair

March 09, 2021

Ramsey County Master Gardener Volunteer Program


2020 White Bear Ave. Maplewood MN 55109

© 2024 by Ramsey County Master Gardener Volunteer Program. Proudly created with

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