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Recognizing Great Gardens - Blooming St Paul


Big thanks to everyone who helped with BSP neighborhood walks in July

Neighborhood Walks

Thanks to Pam Baribeau, Sylvia Cuellar, Emily Flagstad, Matt Haney, Sarah Kruger Hilger, Mary McCarron, Sandy McDonald, Linda Minter, Tami Noblet, Shari Pleiss, Sue Stein, Amanda Swanson and Stacey Tidball for participating in the city-led neighborhood walks last month!

Park staff scheduled these Blooming St Paul neighborhood nomination walks in each of the seven districts to have city-wide representation. The goal was to attract community members and get them involved. The neighborhood nomination walks were about one hour long. At each nominated location, RCMG volunteers left educational material and a stake for the gardener-in-residence.

Photography & Recognition

Many thanks to Pam Baribeau, Michael Erb, Nancy Glass, Sharon Hardy, Chris Kraft, Mindy Johnson, Deborah O'Halloran, Jeni Raddatz Tolifson, Sue Stein, DeAnn Strenke, Laurel Watt & Rena Wiltfang-Roepke for volunteering to follow-up with reviewing online nominations in August and early September.

BSP Garden Nominations

Further thanks to EVERYONE who nominated a garden for Blooming St Paul showcase recognition! Gardeners are always honored when they receive recognition for their gardens.

It's not too late to nominate a garden! Nominations are due by August 11. You only need to fill in the garden address and nominator information at: 2023 Blooming Saint Paul Showcase Nomination Form. You can count volunteer hours for your time nominating, either alone or with a group of your choice.

Call me with any questions or comments!

Mary Montagne

RCMG Volunteer

BSP Project Leader

Encourage access to plants and green spaces for health and wellbeing by working with community groups to co-create projects


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