A lot of “takeaway” information

The RCMG Book Club read and discussed The Hidden Half of Nature by David R. Montgomery and Anne Biklé at the November discussion. A half dozen volunteers read the book and shared their thoughts in small group discussion.
Reader Poll
Enjoyable—4.75 out of 5 stars
Educational— 5 out of 5 stars
Recommended—4.25 out of 5 stars
Reader Comments
What the readers liked most about this book:
I both hated and loved this book.
There were so many words that were new to me.
I really liked the correlation between the soil and our bodies.
It was a hard read, but there was a lot of “takeaway” information that made me want to investigate my own diet and continue to compost and mulch.
So glad I read it.
This book has a lot more hard science than I normally read.
Next Book Club Discussion – January 31, 2023

The January Book of the Month: How We Eat: the Brave New World of Food and Drink by Paco Underhill.