High quality storytelling furthers understanding of the history of Native American culture
The RCMG Book Club read and discussed The Seed Keeper by Diane Wilson at the March discussion. A dozen volunteers read the book and shared their thoughts in small group discussion.
Reader Poll
Enjoyable—5 out of 5 stars
Educational— 4 out of 5 stars
Recommended—4.5 out of 5 stars
Reader Comments
What the readers liked most about this book:
Minnesota-based history, including both the indigenous history and the history of Minnesota farmland
How the Dakota managed to save their seeds from year to year, and also the struggles of our Indigenous peoples
The importance of seeds and how they preserved them to travel with so the Native Americans to have food
The idea of revering the seeds and plants and thinking about posterity rather than profit
The high quality storytelling and the way Wilson interwove fact, truth, and memorable characters
Wholistic connection of all nature (including humans)
Further understanding of the history of Native American culture; very well written
l loved how Diane Wison was able to intertwine different generations
A very multi-dimensional around a very complex topic, political, spiritual, imperialism, etc.
I liked the human relationships. I felt most of indigenous information was repetitive after reading Braiding Sweetgrass in November
Related Material
2022 Fireside Reading Series with Diane Wilson (courtesy of St Paul Public Libraries)
Next Book Club Discussion – May 31, 2022
The May Book of the Month is The Book of Hope: a Survival Guide for Trying Times by Jane Goodall.