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Tomato Seed Give-A-Way

Free to a good home


Hello Fellow Master Gardeners!

Moskvich Beefsteak
Moskvich Beefsteak

After many years of growing many varieties of tomato plants for the MG plant sale and for ourselves, we have accumulated many excess packets of store bought seeds and even more envelopes of saved seed. We have almost two hundred packets/envelopes that we wish to give away to fellow Master Gardeners.

Attached is a list of what is available. You may request as many varieties as you wish and use them as you see fit. First come, first serve. We will either mail them to you or give them to you at an RCMG meeting on November 21.

Woodle Orange
Woodle Orange

Some of the seeds are several years old, but if you plant excess seeds, you will probably get plenty of plants.

A few of the envelopes contain heat treated seeds, so they should not be treated again. All other saved seeds should be heat treated before planting them so as to greatly reduce transmission of possible disease. The instructions for heat treating are attached. We have no idea if commercially grown seeds have been heat treated or not, so it is best not to heat treat them.

If you have requests or questions please contact us by emailing Jennifer. Include your name and address if you wish to receive the envelopes by mail.

Happy Gardening!

Mexico Midget
Mexico Midget

Jennifer Porwit

RCMG Volunteer

Joe Baltrukonis

RCMG Volunteer


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