July 13, 2021 RCMG Board of Directors Meeting The July Board Meeting was held on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 via Zoom. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 10, 2021 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. and it will be IN PERSON at the Barn. These meetings are open to all volunteers.
Meeting Guest
Journey North Tulip Test Garden project
Susan Cathey (RCMG member) presented a request from the St. Paul Public Schools to fund the Journey North Tulip Test Garden project. Up to ten schools will be involved through their Science Departments. The project consists of planting Red Emperor tulip bulbs in multiple sites in the northern hemisphere and then monitoring seasonal change in a scientific way. Next spring, when plants emerge and bloom, gardeners will report their observations and data. Master gardener volunteers will participate in the planning and planting as advisors and we will be acknowledged in signage at the sites.
The Board approved funding for request.
Committee Updates
Education Committee Update
The Education Committee has recruited close to twenty Master Gardener volunteers who are excited to open their yards to share their gardens as part of the 2021 Garden Gate Tours. A Sign-Up Genius has been sent for the first five dates, and more are coming!
The Education Committee is hoping to find a volunteer interested in leading the 2022 Garden Gate Tours as a project coordinator.
New Member Committee Update
There are still a number of 2020 and 2021 interns who are working to complete their 50 hours of volunteer activities. Committee chairs are following up with the interns to assure they move forward to full Master Gardener status.
Mentor Team 10 has completed a project at the Highland Pavilion which they will share with the group at the July member meeting. They even created a video of the project!
Recruitment for 2022 interns begins August 1st,
Communications Committee Update
Ongoing activities of this committee include editing and updating the web site, producing handouts for future “in person” volunteer projects (Farmer’s Markets, for example), and working on videos and photos for various media outlets.
Leadership Updates
Program Coordinator Update
Darren met with a representative from Ramsey County and they are looking forward to our participation at the Yard Waste Sites again in the near future. (As a reminder, our organization receives funds from Ramsey County and we are committed to serve at their waste sites.) This activity is a great source for volunteer hours.
Monthly meetings will be held remotely until further notice. It is our hope that we can offer “hybrid” meeting options (a blend of in-person and Zoom) in the future. This would be helpful for those lucky enough to escape our winter weather for a couple months, as well as those who prefer not to travel during inclement weather. Plus our group has grown to a size that may not fit our regular meeting room at the Roseville Ice Arena.
Board Chair Update
Reminder that we still need members to fill the positions of Vice-Chair in 2022 as well as Co-Chairs of both the Education Committee and New Member Committee. Please contact Darren or a board member if you are interested in serving.
Strategic planning is ongoing. The Strategic task force discussions from the spring have largely finished their work and submitted their recommendations. The Board is currently the information and looking for common requests between the groups. "Work groups” will be formed to implement some of the recommendations in the near future.
Our organization has been blessed with a significant endowment donation, currently invested in a Fidelity Fund. We are only able to spend the earnings, as the principal remains untouched. Susan proposed that we distribute this money in 2022 to projects proposed by membership. More info will be presented to the membership and an application process will be available. Stay tuned!
2021 Board Leadership: Susan Mitchell (Chair), Nate Galloway (Vice Chair), Gretchen Hesli (Secretary), Amy Davis (Treasurer), Nilgun Tuna (Education Co-Chair), Sue Ellen Campbell (Education Co-Chair), Christine Strong (Membership Co-Chair), Kay Wimer (Membership Co-Chair), Nanette Boudreau (Communication Chair), Darren Lochner (Program Coordinator)