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Board Blurb: November 2022


Summary for the November RCMG Board of Directors Transition Meeting

The NovemberBoard Meeting focused on transitioning to the 2023 Board and Committee Members. It was held on November 29, 2022 via Zoom. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for January 10th, 2023 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. on Zoom. These meetings are open to all volunteers.

Special Updates

Reflections (Nate Galloway)

Nate reflected on the activities and accomplishments of RCMG during 2022, which were many! He thanked outgoing Education Co-Chair Suellen Campbell and outgoing New Member Co-Chair Kay Wimer for their service. Both Suellen and Kay expressed appreciation for their roles on their respective committees, and both will continue to be active within our organization.

Nate also thanked Kathy Passe, Interim Treasurer who is now officially Treasurer, and Gretchen Hesli, who is staying on for another two-year term. He welcomed Julie Bechtold, new Vice-Chair, Simba Blood, new Education Co-Chair, and Karen Randall, 2032 New Member Co-Chair. Stacy Sola will serve as Communication Co-Chair with Nanette Boudreau as her Co-Chair. And of course, Brianna Gohde, who continues to bring her technology skills and vast knowledge to our organization!

With that, he “figuratively” handed the gavel to Sandy McDonald, the 2023 Board Chair!

RCMG Board Microsite (Brianna Gohde)

Recent changes by Google have affected our RCMG Google/Gmail account which then locked out some of our board members. Brianna to the rescue! She unveiled a new Google site she designed exclusively for the RCMG Board, which will allow board members to easily access files and documents and share with each other.

Committee Updates

Education Committee Update

Outgoing Co-Chair Sue Ellen Campbell shared some new ideas for next year’s Garden Gate Tours. The committee also hopes to offer more events at sites where we’ve participated, for example visits to the Barn Garden or the Arts are Us project. The Gibbs Farm tour was widely attended and greatly appreciated. The committee would like to offer more educational in-person events of a similar nature.

New Member Committee Update

Outgoing Co-Chair Kay Wimer reported that there are currently 74 interns applicants. Background checks are in the process and several intern applicants have yet to sign up for the Core Course. 51 RCMG members have volunteered to serve as mentors. The goal is to provide a one-on-one intern to mentor experience, so more are needed! (Please consider volunteering to be a mentor.) The 2022 experiment allowing some interns to be mentored by the State program was not successful, based on feedback from those involved.

Communications Committee Update

Nanette Boudreau reported that her committee continues its work on the website and is starting to work on the Plant Sale. The Barn Garden video will be updated to include all the changes that have occurred at that site. The committee has been asked to create simple presentation posters focusing on a single project, which could be used in many ways when meeting with the public.

Leadership Updates

Secretary Update

Gretchen Hesli presented the October 2022 Board Meeting Minutes which were approved with two corrections.

Treasurer Update

Kathy Passe presented the October Monthly Transaction Report, which was approved. She also provided the monthly bank statement, as well as the October 31st Fidelity statement.

Program Coordinator Update

Darren’s been busy working on the 2023 directory and the Annual Report to the State. He’s also following up with members who’ve been inactive and encouraging those who haven’t reported their hours. The flexibility allowed during Covid will be coming to an end, and structure will return (i.e., completing the required volunteer and educational hours, reporting them, etc.).

Board Chair and Vice Chair Updates

Sandy McDonald is continuing to work on our organization’s Bylaws. Apparently there are two versions and neither properly represent our organization’s structure nor does it appear they’ve been formally adopted. This is an important document which addresses a number of procedures that need to be clarified. A winter project for Sandy and several volunteers!


2022 Board Leadership: Nate Galloway (Chair), Sandy McDonald (Vice Chair), Gretchen Hesli (Secretary), Laurel Watt (Interim Secretary), Amy Davis (Treasurer), Kathy Passe, (Interim Treasurer), Jane Carlstrom (Education Co-Chair), Sue Ellen Campbell (Education Co-Chair), Judi Ginter (Membership Co-Chair), Kay Wimer (Membership Co-Chair), Nanette Boudreau (Communication Chair), Stacy Sola (Communication Co-Chair), Darren Lochner (Program Coordinator).

2023 Board Leadership: Sandy McDonald (Chair), Julie Bechtold (Vice-Chair), Gretchen Hesli (Secretary), Kathy Passe, (Treasurer), Jane Carlstrom (Education Chair), Simba Blood (Education Co-Chair), Judi Ginter (Membership Chair), Karen Randall (Membership Co-Chair), Stacy Sola (Communication Chair), Nanette Boudreau (Communication Co-Chair), Darren Lochner (Program Coordinator).

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