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Board Blurb: October 2023


Summary for the October RCMG Board of Directors Meeting

The RCMG Board Meeting was held on October 10, 2023 on Zoom. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for November 14th. Board meetings are open to all volunteers.


Committee Updates

Plant Sale Committee Update

Selling Plant Divisions - Update

Cheryl Brady, Plant Sale Chair, joined the meeting to discuss the sale of our own landscape plants at the 2024 event. Board members previously viewed a demonstration on jumping worms and the process of cleaning plant roots to assure there are no worm cocoons attached. The Board felt uncomfortable about our ability to ensure that no transfer of worms or eggs on our own members’ plants. The last thing we want is for RCMG to spread jumping worms through our sale! And it was noted that Ramsey County is the “epicenter” of the jumping worm infestation in MN. Therefore RCMG will NOT offer landscape plants in 2024.

Planning for the 2024 Sale

In an attempt to fill our new expanded Aldrich Arena space the committee intends to purchase a considerably larger number of plants to sell. Also members will be encouraged to donate houseplant divisions in lieu of landscape plants.

Education Committee Update

The October monthly meeting will feature speakers from Ramsey County who will focus on recycling and composting.

Seventeen RCMG volunteers have offered content for the “Bud, Bloom and Thorn” presentation at the November meeting. It should be interesting and fun! Gardeners who contributed will be on-hand to field any questions.

Kudos to Jane Carlstrom and Simba Blood and their committee for coming up with new and interesting programs for the membership! It’s been a good year of learning and member interaction!

New Member Committee Update

68 individuals have applied for the 2024 program and interviews will take place the week of October 23rd. Another big class is expected as our organization continues to grow!

Communications Committee Update

RCMG On Social Media

Please check out the creative work of this committee on our Social Media and please follow RCMG at:

Give to the Max Day 2023

“Give to the Max” is taking place this year from November 1 through November 16. The committee is preparing notices for Facebook and Instagram to reach potential donors. “Give MN” is on November 16, which will be the main focus. While there’s a minor cost for the program it’s reasonable as compared with other fundraising platforms. However, if you’d like to contribute and want ALL your money to go to RCMG, you can always donate by check. Also be sure to see if you are eligible for matching funds from your employer or other agency with which you have a relationship.


Leadership Updates

Secretary Update

The September Board Minutes were approved.

Treasurer Update

The September Treasurer’s Reports (Transaction Report, Bank Statement and Fidelity account) were approved.

Program Coordinator Update

Darren continues to work with the Ramsey County Facilities Department on land use at the Barn. A reminder that any and all new projects need to be approved before proceeding at the site.

Darren is coordinating a “collection of materials” event to be held at the Barn on November 12th and prior to the November meeting. We need to inventory RCMG supplies and tools and update our literature to assure that it is current. Please check the corners of your basement and/or garages to see if you may have materials to turn in! More info to come.

Chair and Vice-Chair Report

Julie (vice chair) continues to work on an Expenditure Responsibility spreadsheet which will serve future Boards in decisions (using program funds vs. corporation funds). Julie loves making spreadsheets!

Sandy mentioned that garden gloves will be offered for sale ($6 each) at the October meeting. Some garden signs from 2017 were unearthed from storage at the Barn and will be available for purchase as well.


Old Business

Bylaw Revision

A few tweaks have been made to the proposed updated Bylaws, based on members’ comments and contributions. A final reading will take place at next week’s meeting. Ballots will then be emailed to all “members in good standings” who are eligible to vote. A REMINDER TO ENTER YOUR HOURS on the State database if you have not met the requirements for your status (Intern, Emeritus, Member) in order to receive a ballot and be allowed to vote!!!

New Business

Finance Committee

As we’ve been unable to recruit a chair for the proposed Finance Committee we will instead convene a Task Force to determine its structure and responsibilities, with the goal of eventually establishing this committee as a permanent part of the Board.

2024 Board Candidates

We have received bios from three members for the following positions:

  • Kay Wimer, Vice-Chair candidate

  • Tiffa Foster, New Member Co-Chair candidate

  • Stacy Sola, Communications Co-Chair candidate (and current Chair of this committee)

We are looking for a candidate to Co-Chair the Education Committee. If you are interested in serving on this or running for any of the other positions please contact Sandy McDonald.


2023 Board Leadership: Sandy McDonald (Chair), Julie Bechtold (Vice-Chair), Gretchen Hesli (Secretary), Kathy Passe, (Treasurer), Jane Carlstrom (Education Chair), Simba Blood (Education Co-Chair), Judi Ginter (Membership Chair), Karen Randall (Membership Co-Chair), Stacy Sola (Communication Chair), Nanette Boudreau (Communication Co-Chair), Darren Lochner (Program Coordinator).

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Ramsey County Master Gardener Volunteer Program

2020 White Bear Ave.

Maplewood MN 55109

Tel: 612-625-1532

© 2024 by Ramsey County Master Gardener Volunteer Program. Proudly created with

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