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CRWD Partnership Continues in 2024

Updated: Mar 21


The Ramsey County Master Gardeners and Capitol Region Watershed District's Award-Winning Partnership Continues in 2024

Watch for a registration email for our upcoming rain garden native plant and weed identification workshop led by Simba Blood and Tiffa Foster at CRWD offices April 23rd.

Our primary partnership effort is inspecting CRWD rain gardens. Please consider joining the team of Master Gardeners and Water Stewards. Participants will be required to attend an inspection process training on May 30th, and be willing to complete inspections between May 31st and June 21st. If you are interested, contact Katherine Tane or Carol Mollner (email addresses below).

With your participation, you support water-wise gardening and landscaping practices that help conserve water and minimize polluted runoff, promoting clean rivers and lakes and safe drinking water for current and future generations. In addition, native plantings and rain gardens not only filter water, but they also help native bees and other pollinators thrive.

Please contact RCMG-CRWD Project Leaders, Carol Mollner or Katherine Tane if you are interested in joining this project!

Carol Mollner CRWD Project Leader LeaderRCMG Volunteer

Katherine Tane CRWD Project Leader RCMG Volunteer

This project supports the Clean Water priority of the Master Gardener Volunteer Program: Teach about water-wise garden and landscape practices to conserve water, minimize polluted runoff and protect our wetlands, rivers and lakes.

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