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Strategic Plan Updates 2021-2023

Updated: Sep 13, 2021

Update Sept-15, 2021

Since Elisa presented her findings in August, the RCMG Board members have been prioritizing the tasks recommend by the Task Force teams and prioritizing them. Each recommendation was evaluated on 3 axis:

  1. How easy is this to do?

  2. How soon do we need this to be completed?

  3. How critical is this to our organization?

This helped to rank the list of tasks so the Board knows where to start. It also revealed some missing pieces that will need to be done before we can start work on the recommendations. The Board will be working with Committee chairs and helping to recruit volunteers to participate in the completing the recommended tasks that will help fulfill the goals outlined in the Strategic Plan.

Volunteers should watch for SignUp Genius pages to get involved. Already the New Member Committee and the Education Committee are looking for help in improving the Intern & Mentor experiences and creating needed educational opportunities for 2022, respectively.

Update Aug-04, 2021

On August 4, Elisa Iha shared a summary of the findings from the Strategic Plan Focus Group Discussions that took place between March and June. The Discussion Groups each focused on one of the 5 priorities of the 2020 Strategic Plan. Each group produced a report that outlined specific actions RCMG can take and metrics we can use to measure success towards our larger goals. These reports were reviewed and condense into a Summary Recap which was presented to Discussion Group facilitators.

Next steps will involve prioritizing the recommended actions and creating a timeline to move forward. Look for Sign-Ups to get involved.

Watch Recap Presentation Recording

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2020 Strategic Plan Priorities

  1. Infrastructure

    1. DEFINITION; Improve internal structures (policies, procedures, tools, resources) to support our growing membership

    2. GOAL: Facilitate volunteers’ ability to find needed information, tools, and support for individual projects

  2. Leadership

    1. DEFINITION: Develop volunteer leadership to support the needs of a growing membership

    2. GOAL: Have all leadership roles (existing and new) fulfilled with succession plans

  3. Diversity

    1. DEFINITION: Diversify membership & volunteering opportunities to reflect the needs and interests of our community

    2. GOAL: Increase the cultural competency of the RCMG program through relationship building, outreach, and recruitment

  4. Volunteer Opportunities

    1. DEFINITION: Update volunteering activities to reflect the needs and interest of the community and members

    2. GOAL: Increase the available volunteering hours to 16,000 (from 11,000 in 2019)

  5. Continuing Education

    1. DEFINITION: Provide education and training to address skill and knowledge gaps of members

    2. GOAL: Improve self-reported comfort among volunteers with the following topics: garden diagnostics, customer-service soft skills, technical competency (based on 2019-2020 satisfaction reports and focus groups)

Goal: Have all leadership roles (existing and new) fulfilled with succession plans

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