The February 2023 meeting included information about upcoming demonstration garden opportunities, news about RCMG interns, and details about Indigenous Stewardship in Imnizaska (St. Paul) with Lower Phalen Creek Project.
The February monthly meeting was held online via Zoom from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Watching the recording of this meeting can be counted as 2 hours of Continuing Education. (Find the recording in the Archives of the Monthly Meeting page.)
Many thanks to the RCMG volunteers involved with the January Meeting:
Education Committee: Jane Carlstrom & Simba Blood
Project Leaders: Julie Coopet & Karen Randall
Journalist: Colleen Bell
Zoom Aide: Pat Gannon
6:30-6:45 pm: Project Updates
Minnesota State Fair gardens (Julie Coopet; project lead)
Julie met with Dell Hampton [HCMG] about Minnesota State Fair gardens—outside Horticulture building—cared for throughout the year and showcased during the Fair. Worked on four gardens last summer. Major challenge with people sit on plants that are on the edges. Weed pulling was major effort last summer. Discuss/decide what plants to keep and which to add. Volunteers needed for spring to weed, to water. How should people contact you if they are interested? Sign up genius.
Mounds View Yard waste site garden (Liz O’Toole; project lead for Yard Waste Sites)
Deer eat the plants in this garden. Great place to talk with members of the community.
New Member Committee Updates
Karen shared details that 46 of 50 MG interns in 2022 have completed all requirements. Several continue to work toward completion.
In 2023, we have 70 interns and one transfer. This year each intern has a mentor and belongs to a team of mentor-intern pairs (eight teams total). Additional resources available to support incoming interns and mentors:
Onboarding section on website
Intern-Mentor page on website
Updated FAQ page
Mentoring checklist
Darren Lochner's Coordinator Updates (6:45pm-7pm)
March 21 meeting will be hybrid. (both Zoom and in-person)
Be sure to read the volunteer newsletters. Let Darren know if you are not receiving these routinely.
Tim Kenney’s newsletter/State MG program messages - comes out first week of month
RCMG newsletter - comes out second week of month
Check out the year in review (2022).
Sign up for the International MG Conference in mid-June in KS
SignUp Genius volunteer opportunities will come just twice a week this year.
Upcoming meetings
Hybrid: March 21 & April 18, October 17 & November 21.
In-Person: June 13, July tour of Capitol City Watershed District project. Watch for announcement of site for August meeting with Washington County (they are hosting). September 19
No May meeting due to plant sale madness.
Guest Lecture – Gabby Menomin |Environmental Restoration Manager | Indigenous Stewardship in Imnizaska (St. Paul) with Lower Phalen Creek Project (7-8pm)
This is an indigenous stewardship project with three sites.
History: Much of the space encompassed in this area is sacred to Dakota people, from the Mississippi River, its wetlands and Phalen Creek, to the bluffs and burial mounds in Indian Mounds Regional Park.
Name change coming: What’s now called Lower Phalen Creek Project (LCPC) will be known by a Dakota phrase that means “those who care for Wakan Tipi.”
Current Executive Director Maggie Lorenz is the first indigenous person to lead the organization.
Three projects/sites
(1) Rivoli Medicine Garden;
(2) Wakan Tipi (center under construction);
(3) Burial Mounds (working toward co-management with City of Saint Paul).
In each site, staff work to restore and steward the land, water and air. They also educate neighbors, community and school students.
In addition, LPCP is designing a plan to “daylight” Phalen Creek, which has been channeled into an underground pipe in 1920. This too is a process of restoring and stewarding.
Many events are scheduled for 2023 and we are invited to participate. To receive the newsletter (where events are announced), go to LPCP website and sign up. Gabby encourages RCMG members to visit, be involved.
8-8:30 p.m. RCMG News from the Board of Directors leaders
Reminder that Board meetings are on the second Tuesday of month @ 6:30; these are open to all members. Sandy calls attention to RCMG website. Right hand column can be accessed once you sign in, and there you can see board meeting dates, times and minutes.
RCMG Education Committee (Jane Carlstrom, co-chair)
Jane announced that integrated pest management will be part of March meeting; Julie Weisenhorn in April. June meeting will be on second Tuesday (13th) and at the Barn rather than the Oval. Propagating houseplants.
Recap provided by Colleen Bell