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RCMG Board Blurb: February 2021

February 09, 2021 RCMG Board of Directors Meeting

The February Board Meeting was held on Tuesday (2/9/2021 via Zoom) in the comfort of our homes (one of the few positive benefits of COVID, given the frigid sub-zero temperatures!). Be sure to join our February 16th membership meeting at 6:45 p.m. (via Zoom) for important updates from Darren Lochner, our RCMG Program Coordinator.

The next Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 from 6-8pm. These meetings are open to all volunteers.

Volunteer Education

(Education Update) Speakers have been recruited for the first six months of 2021. The Education Chairs plan to survey our RCMG volunteers asking for their areas of expertise and willingness to offer “mini-courses” on specific topics, to be presented in conjunction with our regular monthly meetings. We have so many talented people in our organization! The main monthly speakers will focus on broader topics of information and education.

New Members Guidelines

(New Member Update) Our New Member chairpersons have updated and rewritten the “Intern Gudelines 2021” and “Intern Volunteer Requirements,” which reflect the COVID restrictions for 2021. There is greater leniency allowed and more volunteer opportunities to accrue hours, with the hope that we can graduate all of our 80 interns this year!

Website Redesign

(Communications Update) Plans are well underway to get our new website up and running by mid-April, which will allow for e-commerce (needed for our plant sale and other income-producing activities).

2021 Plant Sale

(Plant Sale Committee Update) Our “virtual” plant sale is currently scheduled to go live on May 1st. The committee is still working on a location for the distribution of the materials and methods to advertise under rules of COVID.

Task Force Work 2021

(Board Chair Update) Members will be recruited for a short-term commitment to serve on five Task Forces, which will address the priorities of the previously adopted Strategic Plan.

Member Directory

(Program Coordinator Update) Darren is working on the member directory. If you haven’t already, please respond with a photo and if you are changing your status, he needs this information. No photo, you get a cartoon drawing!

Volunteer Opportunities

(Program Coordinator Update) Darren has created an online form for Master Gardeners to fill out when proposing a new volunteer project. The projects need to meet certain parameters and be in line with our mission, but there is much greater flexibility than we’ve had in the past to expand our volunteer opportunities.

Other Items of Note

  • Communication Chair Report: See Website Redesign and Plant Sale above.

  • Education Chair Report: See Volunteer Education above.

  • New Member Chair Report: See New Members Guidelines above.

  • Treasurer Report: Reviewed and approved the monthly transaction report. Updated financial reports can be found on the website. The provisional audit has been completed. Paper copies have not been reviewed due to COVID. A final audit will take place before the end of the year.

  • Secretary Report: Reviewed and approved minutes from the January Board meeting. Approved minutes will be added to the website.

  • Vice Chair Report: Nate recruited volunteers for the audit (see Treasurer Report).

  • Board Chair Report: See Task Force work above.

  • Program Coordinator Report: Darren reiterated that we are still operating under the U of M Extension rules with regard to COVID. Any projects that involve face-to-face interaction must be relayed to him and he will forward to the state for review and potential approval.

2021 Board Leadership: Susan Mitchell (Chair), Nate Galloway (Vice Chair), Gretchen Hesli (Secretary), Amy Davis (Treasurer), Nilgun Tuna (Education Co-Chair), Sue Ellen Campbell (Education Co-Chair), Christine Strong (Membership Co-Chair), Kay Wimer (Membership Co-Chair), Nanette Boudreau (Communication Chair), Darren Lochner (Program Coordinator)


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