Thanks to everyone who volunteered to help with the 2022 RCMG Plant Sale!
Volunteers Make the Difference
Whether you started seeds, divided houseplants, transplanted plugs and natives, fostered flats of seedlings, wrote or created labels, set up or monitored the hoop house, worked on communications related to the sale, collected boxes, shared wagons, helped during the set-up week or worked the day of the Plant Sale as a traffic director, cashier, tallier or customer service, your hard work and contributions made the Plant Sale a great success and we thank you!
Share your Feedback
Our team met some challenges and learned a lot this year, so please let us know what you think worked well and any suggestions for improvement and changes that will help make next year’s event even better. If you want to be part of the Plant Sale Team, we would love to have you join us.

Kudos to the Committee Members
After hosting a virtual plant sale with contactless pick-up last year, we started planning in October 2021 for an in-person sale this year. The Plant Sale would not have become a reality without the support, hard work, creativity and dedication of the amazing members of the Plant Sale Team: Kristine Balsiger-Ranieri, Joe Baltrukonis, Nanette Boudreau, Tiffa Foster, Judie Ginter, Brianna Gohde, Mindy Johnson, Madeleine Kaudy, Darren Lochner, Linda Minter, Mary Parenteau, Jennifer Porwit, Stacy Sola and Kay Wimer.
Thanks again to everyone for your support!

Cheryl Brady
2022 Plant Sale Committee Chair
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